STHS Jazz Band

The STHS Jazz Band rehearses every Tuesday night from 7-9pm beginning October 29, 2024. Jazz Band members are selected by audition. Contact Mr. Gottesman at for more info.
Current Tunes for Study
The Jazz Band Sectional Rules
We worked together to create these guidelines during sectional rehearsal:
- Keep distractions to a minimum
- Cell phones away
- Save conversations for appropriate times
- Noodling/excess playing is a no-no
- Show mutual respect toward each other
- Everyone is here to learn
- Everyone is here to improve
- Everyone is here to have fun
- Establish one person as the conductor/beat keeper/leader of the sectional rehearsal
- Leader should be able to identify rhythm, pitch, intonation troubles
- This person can change from session to session
- Avoid simply running pieces from beginning to end
- Maintain your focus for the duration of the sectional rehearsal
Tune Transcriber
With Tune Transcriber, you can even slow down the recordings for practice!