Health Services

The Health Office is staffed all student days by the Certified School Nurse or Registered Nurse Assistant. The Registered Nurse Assistant contacts parents of sick or injured children, administers prescribed medications, provides first aid in emergencies and assists with health screenings and record keeping. In addition to the aforementioned, the Certified School Nurse provides health assessments, consultation and referral, health counseling and health education, prepares individual health plans, delegates and supervises medication administration, monitors student health status, and assists with health prevention and health promotion activities.

Emergency Contact Information

At the beginning of every school year you will need to update your Annual Review including emergency contacts. It is important that the information be current, it is necessary that we have your phone numbers (home, work, and cell) as well as the phone numbers of two additional friends, neighbors, or family members that will assume temporary care of your child if you cannot be reached. In case of an emergency when parents cannot be reached, the parent’s signature authorizes the school to call physicians listed on the sheet and to make arrangements for emergency medical care if needed.

Please be sure the emergency contacts you list know that the school may contact them and are willing to pick your child up from school when you are unavailable. It also helps if your emergency contacts are easily reached by phone when you are not.

Please notify the office immediately of any changes or additions that need to be made on your child’s emergency information during the school year.

SNAP Health Portal

The SNAP Health Portal is a web-based system that allows parent/guardian(s) to securely access and update their student's school health record.  It connects school nurses directly with parent/guardian(s) to optimize students' well-being. 

Parent/guardian(s) can use the portal to: 

  • Review and update health information, such as vaccinations and screening results. 
  • Update, upload, and review school health information and medical documents. 
  • Electronically sign and submit health forms. 
  • Message the school health nurses directly. 

How to Log in to the SNAP Health Portal:

  • Click to log into the SNAP Health Parent Portal. 
    • The first time you log in, you will need to enter your child’s birthday MM/DD/YYYY. 
    • If you forget your password, please click "Forgot Password?" under the password box to reset.
    • IMPORTANT: Email notifications sent from the School Nurses via the SNAP Health Portal will come from the email address
  • Another way to access the SNAP Health Portal: Log on through your parent PowerSchool Account and choose the applications button in the upper right corner of your parent PowerSchool Account to go directly to the SNAP Health Portal without logging in again.  It looks like this:  screenshot of menu bar. Red arrow pointing to the open in a new window button

School Nurses

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Ms. Stephanie Irani

High School Nurse

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Mrs. Zakieh Moussa

Middle School Nurse

It's my pleasure to serve as the Certified School Nurse at Springfield Township Mid...

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Mrs. Wendi Ostrow

Erdenheim School Nurse

It is my pleasure to serve as the Certified School Nurse for Erdenheim Elementary schoo...

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Mrs. Angela Hunt

Enfield School Nurse

I am so excited to be the Certified School Nurse at Enfield! I have been a nurse since ...

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