HS Counseling FAQs
Last name | Counselor name |
A - F/G | Barbone |
G/H - M | McDonnell |
M/N - Z | Shearer |
The PSAT is the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test. As its name implies, the PSAT is usually taken before other college admissions testing. The PSAT is only offered once each year (in October) and is given to sophomores and/or juniors. For juniors, the PSAT is also the qualifying test for the highly prestigious National Merit Scholarship competition. Taking the PSAT enables students to get feedback about academic skills, get information from colleges, and prepare for other college admissions testing. Students receive their scores about 2 months after taking the test and can access individualized on-line tutorials for their specific areas of need. The fee for this test is set by the College Board. Information is sent home, in September, to the parents of each sophomore and junior regarding registration.
AP is short for Advanced Placement and refers to college-level courses available in the high school curriculum. Because they are college-level courses, AP’s are taught by high school teachers who have submitted their course syllabus and have been approved by the College Board. AP courses are rigorous and require certain prerequisite courses and grades. AP courses culminate with the AP exam, given in May of each year (prices vary from year to year and are set by the College Board). These exams are read and graded by the College Board and scores are returned to students over the summer, usually in July. Students have the option of sending their scores to colleges and, based on the score, students can be awarded college credit or are permitted to “skip” introductory college courses.
Graduation requires the earning of a minimum of 28 credits. Credits are awarded for the successful completion of courses in certain disciplines (English, history, math, science, the humanities, and electives). The amount of the credit (2,1, or ½,) is determined by the amount of time each course meets.
The Guidance Department posts a complete list of merit-based scholarships on our web page. Additionally, links to federal and state financial aid information is found there.