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Ms. Elizabeth Weizman


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 I've been at STMS since 2016. Prior to joining SDST, I was a school counselor at a Special Education Approved Private School, and before that, a school counselor in Fairfax County Public Schools in Northern VA. I received my BA from Bryn Mawr College, and my M.Ed. in Counseling from George Mason University. I have been working in schools since 2009. I grew up locally in Huntingdon Valley where I attended Abington public schools before graduating from Abington Friends.  

In my spare time I like to hang out with my dogs, Violet and Douglas, and seek out new restaurants to try (you'll almost always find me eating or talking about food!) I look forward to a great year! 

My office is on the 8th grade floor, 304a.

Degrees and Certifications:

B.A. Sociology, concentrations in Deviance & Criminology/Urban Education, Bryn Mawr College 2010
M.Ed. Counseling and Development, School Counseling, George Mason University 2014

Mail Location

Middle School