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Springfield Township Middle School Staff Directory

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Dr. Amy K. Mangano


Dr. Mangano joined The Springfield Township Middle School as the building principa...

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Mr. Jason Pane

Assistant Principal

Mr. Pane has been in Springfield Township School District since 2008. He...

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Mrs. Kieran Brady

Assistant Principal / Athletic Director

Mrs. Brady has been the Assistant Principal / Athletic Director of Springfield Township...

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Mrs. Amy Wuillermin

Administrative Assistant

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Mrs. Suzanne Neubeck

Administrative Assistant / Athletic Secretary

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Ms. Cathleen Dougherty


Hello! I’m Cathleen Dougherty. For over twenty years, I’ve dedicated my car...

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Ms. Elizabeth Weizman


 I've been at STMS since 2016. Prior to joining SDST, I was a school coun...

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Mrs. Lauren Foster, LCSW

Social Worker

Mrs. Foster started at Springfield Township High School as the Social Worker in 20...

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Dr. Greg Brasco


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Mrs. Zakieh Moussa

Middle School Nurse

It's my pleasure to serve as the Certified School Nurse at Springfield Township Mid...

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Mr. Tre'Vaughn Clifton

Middle School Technical Support Specialist

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Mrs. Sonia Andre-Borges

8th Grade ELA

I began working for the Springfield Township School District in the fall of 1998. I tea...

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Mr. Matthew Barlow

MS Music, 6th Grade Band, Jazz Spartans

Mr. Barlow proudly leads the 6th grade band and the Jazz Spartans, a 6-8 jazz ensemble....

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Mrs. Kelly Bechtel

Instructional Coach

Kelly Bechtel has been teaching and coaching in grades 1-8 since 2000. She earned her B...

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Ms. Daphney Beltramo

7th Grade ELA & Gifted Support

My name is Daphney Beltramo, I started at STMS in 2018. Before STMS, I taught for four ...

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Ms. Erin Bloom


My name is Erin Bloom, and I am the Middle School Librarian. In the past, I have t...

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Ms. Sarah Bower

6th Grade Math

Sarah Bower grew up a few towns over in Lansdale, PA and graduated from North Penn High...

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Ms. Carol Breen

6th Grade ELA & SS

I am one of the Language Arts and Social Studies teachers in 6th grade. You may also fi...

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Mx. Cory Brugger

6th Grade ELA

Hello! My name is Cory Brügger, and I teach 6th grade ELA at Springfield Township ...

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Mr. Floyd Butler

Physical Education & Health

Hello, my name is Floyd A. Butler and I am an educator in the School District of Spring...

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Mr. Gregory Cannon

6th Grade SS & Science

After graduating college with a degree in Kinesiology, I quickly realized I wanted to p...

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Mr. Patrick Coady

7th Grade SS

In terms of education, I am a summa cum laude graduate of Bucknell University, with a b...

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Miss Megan Conley


I have always wanted to be a teacher. I graduated from Arcadia University in 2016 with ...

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Ms. Marissa Conover

8th Grade Special Education

I am originally from Monmouth County, NJ. I attended West Chester University where I go...

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Ms. Rebecca Cwiklinski

Occupational Therapist

Mrs. Rebecca Cwiklinski is the Occupational Therapist who provides both direct and cons...

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Mrs. Larken Doggett

6th Grade ELA

I teach 6th grade ELA and look forward to the many creative and authentic writing-based...

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Mrs. Melissa Eife

Health & PE

I graduated from the University of Delaware and played field hockey and lacrosse there....

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Mrs. Mary Evans

8th Grade Math

I grew up in Norristown, and I lived in Blue Bell during my college years. I completed ...

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Mr. John Fears

6th Grade SS & Science

Growing up in Murrysville, PA, I attended the Franklin Regional School District.  ...

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Mrs. Ariel Franks


About me: After high school, I was very curios about the world and how it worked, espec...

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Mr. Andre Freeman

7th Grade Science

In 2014 my wife and I moved to the east coast from sunny California. I am a graduate fr...

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Mr. Quyntyn Gaston

Special Education

Hello, my name is Quyntyn Gaston and I am a middle school special education teacher at ...

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Mr. Michael Gaugler

Special Education

Mr. Michael Gaugler is a special education teacher in Springfield Township Middle Schoo...

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Mr. Kevin Grummun


My name is Kevin Grummun.  I have been an art teacher at Springfield Township Midd...

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Mrs. Elizabeth Gutshall

7th Grade Math

I am a graduate from West Chester University earning my Bachelor's in Elementary Ed...

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Mr. Ian Hammond

Special Education

Hello families of Springfield Township! My name is Ian Hammond, I grew up in Chambersbu...

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Mrs. Kelsey Hansen

Special Education

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Mrs. Kristen Hayden

LTS Counselor

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Mr. Andre Hayes

7th Grade Math

Welcome to a new school year at Springfield Middle School!  I look forward to a ve...

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Mrs. Maria Heller

Emotional Support

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Mr. Joshua Hibbs

8th Grade SS

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Ms. Lisa Jurewicz


My name is Ms. Lisa Jurewicz and I am very excited and proud to be a part of the STMS c...

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Mr. Patrick Kelly

Social Studies

I started at Springfield Township Middle School in 2016 and have loved being a part of ...

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Mrs. Yamila Kent


¡Hola! My name is Señora Kent.  I started teaching Spanish in 2000...

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Mrs. Megan Klaiss

Academic Support

I am currently teaching Academic and Itinerant Support. I came from New York with five ...

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Mrs. Natalie Laign

7th Grade ELA

I am very excited to be teaching 7th grade ELA again. Before starting at Springfield, I...

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Mrs. Maggie Litzenberg


My name is Maggie Litzenberg, and I look forward to another great year in the ELA class...

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Mr. Jean Manga


I was born and grew up in Senegal (West- Africa). Senegal was a French colony until it ...

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Mr. Kevin Martin


Schöne Grüße! Here you can find access to the student resources...

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Mr. John Massucci

Health & PE

Currently, I am teaching 6th and 7th Grade Physical Education, 6th Grade Health, 8th Gr...

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Mrs. Sara Noce


My name is Sara Sweeney Noce and I am the 6th, 7th and 8th grade STEM (Science, Technol...

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Ms. Ciara Ortiz

6th Grade Math

Ms. Ortiz grew up just across the bridge in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. She graduated from...

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Mrs. Taylor Pellegrini

Social Studies

Mrs. Pellegrini is a full-time Social Studies teacher who teaches 6th grade Social...

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Mrs. Nadia Penza

Reading Support

I grew up in the Washington, D.C. area and attended graduate school at the American Uni...

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Miss Christina Photiades


I began teaching within the School District of Springfield Township in the fall of 2021...

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Mr. Andrew Puntel


Mr. Andrew Puntel received a B.A. in Music from Fordham University in 2004. He directed...

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Mrs. Alexa Rodgers

Special Education

I began working for the Springfield Township School District in the fall of 2024. I tea...

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Mrs. Dana Ruderman

Speech Therapist

I am a native New Yorker and received my Bachelor’s degree from Binghamton Univer...

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Mrs. Sarah Schmidt

English Language Development

My name is Sarah Schmidt, and I started in Springfield Township in 2023. Before STM, I ...

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Mrs. MaryBeth Seeley, LSW

Social Worker

Mary Beth Seeley started her role at Springfield Township Middle School in 2022. She h...

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Ms. Amanda Sheehan

Autistic Support

I began my career in education by attending undergraduate school at Washington and Jeff...

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Mr. Wes Sheffer

6th Grade Math

I am excited to begin teaching sixth grade math at Springfield Township Middle School! ...

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Mrs. Samantha Trafford


I originally grew up on Long Island, NY, but I moved to Jamison, PA in 2008. I graduate...

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Mr. Christopher Trunk


My name is Chris Trunk and I am a 7th grade math teacher at Springfield Township Middle...

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Ms. Gwen Wano

7th & 8th Science

Before joining the SDST team, I taught in Lesotho, New York City, Japan, Massachusetts ...

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Mr. Brian Williams

7th Grade Civics, SS & Special Education

I have been working as the Springfield Township Middle school emotional support teacher...