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Mr. John Massucci

Health & PE

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Currently, I am teaching 6th and 7th Grade Physical Education, 6th Grade Health, 8th Grade P.E./Fitness and Spartan Block, which consists of Chess Club, Green Team/Outdoor Adventure, Chess club, Open Wrestling and 6th grade Wrestling. I am also the Middle School Head Wrestling Coach.

I am a graduate of Upper Moreland Township High School, The College of New Jersey, where I received my Bachelor's Degree in Health and Physical Education and Gratz College, where I received my Masters Degree in Education. This is my eighteenth year teaching at the Springfield Township Middle School and I am very proud to work with such a gifted and talented faculty and staff.

Degrees and Certifications:

BA, Health and Physical Education, University of New Jersey: M.Ed, Gratz College

Mail Location

Middle School