School Counselors
School Counselors provide support for all students in the School District of Springfield Township. From daily check-ins with students, group supports, referrals for outside counseling support, guidance for college and post-secondary opportunities, and talking with students about school and home life, the school counselor is an invaluable member of the school team.
Our Counselors
- Offer short-term, solution-focused individual and small-group sessions for students
- Consult with multidisciplinary teams to identify and resolve students problems, concerns, and needs
- Provide case management for Section 504 agreements
- Support teachers with the planning and delivery of our social-emotional curriculum, Second Step, and other topics
- Collaborate with teachers, administration, families, and community agencies to ensure student success
- Connect families with outside resources
- Support student achievement and promote equity and access for all students
- Support students in academic and post-secondary career options
Mission Statement
The purpose of the Springfield Township School District's School Counseling program is to promote and enhance the learning process. To that end, the counseling program facilitates student development in three broad areas:
- Academic Development
- Personal/Social Development
- Career Development
Guilding Principals
- Students needs are the first priority
- Everyone in the community is responsible for creating an environment for lifelong learning
- All students can learn and be successful
- High expectations generate high success
- Diversity is recognized as a strength and a valuable resource that is accepted and recognized by the organization
- Learning is enhanced by caring and trusting relationships
- Celebrations of efforts encourage risk-taking and growth
- Personal relationships are the strength and foundation of the organization
- All individuals within our community are treated with dignity and respect
Counseling Resources
Looking for a private counselor for your child? Check out these resources to help you with your search.