Homebound Instruction
Information and Procedures
The School District of Springfield Township may temporarily excuse a student from attendance on account of illness or other urgent reasons and provide that student homebound instruction while he or she is excused from school. Urgent reasons are strictly construed not to permit irregular attendance at school.
Homebound instruction is school-supplied one-to-one tutoring for a limited time. The School District of Springfield Township can approve these requests for no more than a three month period. Following the three month period, every three months thereafter must be approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE). During homebound instruction, attendance must be taken. Documentation of attendance/non-attendance must be submitted every month to the Director of Support Services.
Process for requesting homebound instruction
- A parent/guardian must complete the attached form in order to request homebound instruction.
- The treating medical professional (including but not limited to medical doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist) must complete the physician’s statement and return to the parent.
- Once the parental request form and physician’s statement are complete, the school counselor is to review the packet with the family and ensure all forms are completed accurately and appropriately.
- The counselor is to then complete their recommendation form and submit to the building principal for approval.
- Once all forms are completed and signed, counselor is to send the packet to the Office of Support Services for final review and approval.
- Once approved, the Director of Support Services will sign the form and assign a homebound tutor (s) and/or a virtual asynchronous resource. One hour of instruction is provided for each day of instruction. The school team should determine the priority focus for skill attention (e.g., 3 hours of English/Language Arts and 2 hours of Math) each week. Tutor(s) will be identified who are able to provide support in the targeted skills area.
- School staff will work to gather instructional materials from the teacher(s) working with the student and prioritize work to be completed by the student and tutor during the absence.
Attendance for homebound instruction is to be submitted no less than one time per month.
If the homebound services are required beyond the three month period, an approval is required from the PA Department of Education. This will need to be completed with the family, physician and Director of Special Education and a PDE 4675 must be submitted.