Contractor Clearances
The following clearances are required by law and District Policy 818.
All information must be submitted to Human Resources prior to beginning the first day of work in the District.
- State Police Clearance (Act 34) - complete online and print your results immediately
- Child Abuse Clearance (Act 151) - submit electronically and print your results.
- FBI Fingerprints (Act 114) - Service Code = 1KG6XN for District Employment; Register then go to the fingerprint location of your choice to be printed. Remember to bring your check, money order or credit card.
- TB test - from within a year.
- Act 24 (PDE Form 6004) - Arrest/Conviction Report
- PA Sexual Misconduct/Abuse Disclosure Release (Act 168) - submit the paper form(s), or email Human Resources to be sent a link to the electronic version.
A separate form must be completed for:
Current employer; and
All former employers that were school entities; and
All former employers where you were in a position that involved direct contact with children.
The State Police, Child Abuse and FBI Fingerprints are required to be renewed every 5 years from the date on the clearance.