K-12 Curriculum Guides
We are pleased to share with you comprehensive curriculum guides (K-8) and our Program of Studies (HS). These guides have been created by teachers, building leaders and central office administrators to help ensure all families and students have another window into the teaching and learning that is happening within all of our schools.
We are hopeful these guides provide information about the learning environment, core curricula and resources we use in educating the students within and across our schools. If, after reviewing the document, you have additional questions or need more information, please reach out to one of us and we will be happy to help.
Elementary Curriculum Guide
- SDST Elementary School Curriculum Guide - dynamic version
- SDST Elementary School Curriculum Guide PDF
Middle School Curriculum Guide
- SDST Middle School Curriculum Guide - dynamic version
- SDST Middle School Curriculum Guide PDF
High School Program of Studies
- SDST STHS Program of Studies - dynamic version
- SDST High School Program of Studies PDF
Translated Versions:
SDST STHS Program of Studies PDF (Spanish)