Curriculum Course Descriptions
Listed below are the varied areas and components of our district instructional programming. In Springfield Township, we use a consistent review, reflect, renew cycle to examine areas of curriculum over time. Recent updates are included and incorporated. Curricula is dynamic and shifting and the course and content maps are fluid documents. Additional (new) materials may be added, reviewed or removed based on the individual student needs at the time of course instruction. Additionally, this document serves as a framework for instructional planning. Instructional plans are created at the class and building level.
Each core course has an approved primary resource and/or teacher curated resources to inform the planning, instruction and assessment of our learning objectives. Specific information on the way in which a resource is utilized in a particular course is best directed to the Building Principal, Classroom Teacher, or the Assistant Superintendent. New resources are reviewed with the curriculum revision cycle.
Families can request information from their child's teacher, principal or the Assistant Superintendent's office if there are particular questions about resources, content or skills being instructed in a particular course.
Visual Arts in SDST
Springfield Art Department Core Vision
The School District of Springfield Township Visual Arts program is dedicated to offering inclusive, equitable, and accessible K-12 Art programming to all of its students through a Culturally Responsive pedagogy that is grounded in the National Visual Arts Standards.
We foster in our students art appreciation, skill building and craftsmanship through experiences in a variety of disciplines including 2 dimensional, 3 dimensional, and digital arts while investigating and exploring diverse historical and contemporary references from across the globe.
We help our students develop complex concepts and ideas through personal visual expressions as individual artists, and within their communities through exhibitions, public art installations, as well as connections to future career opportunities in the arts.
Springfield School District K-12 Art Education Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility Statement
In accordance with the Springfield School District commitment to equity statement our K-12 Art Education Program believes that all students deserve high quality art instruction. We acknowledge the vast social and structural inequities that create barriers to equitable opportunities in education and career development, and we recognize that students and teachers bring many identities that impact their access to learning in and through the arts. In accordance with our vision statement, we seek to provide high quality education and professional learning experiences for all of our students to promote and enable their efforts to engage in equitable, inclusive, and accessible arts learning experiences.
Adaptations & Accommodations Statement
Access to arts comprehension, skill acquisition, creativity and art making will be offered to all of our students through the use of Universal Design for Learning strategies and inclusive programming to guide students of all abilities towards mutual learning goals.
Students will be presented with multiple means for representation – acquiring information, engagement – processing information, and expression – demonstrating knowledge. Adaptable tools, alternative forms of communication and skill building strategies will be woven into each lesson plan and instruction.
The arts will be used to inspire mutual support and learning amongst our students and build a community that values individuality and the artist within us all.
Curriculum Overviews by Grade
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade
In Kindergarten, students will explore a variety of media as they continue to build their skills in various visual art disciplines. Students will continue to develop knowledge and skills that will encourage an understanding of art history, production, criticism and aesthetics. The design elements of line, color, shape and form will be explored. Students will be given the opportunity to practice various two and three dimensional media techniques to express ideas. They will learn how to identify basic spatial concepts such as near/far, overlapping and cropping. Teachers discuss diverse artists, artwork, and provide technique demonstrations to develop an art appreciation, investigate art history and contemporary art, encourage art production, and participate in art criticism discussions; as well as problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Students use concepts from language arts and social-emotional learning to complete studio projects. Science, Social Studies, ELA, and Technology content are integrated into individual lessons..
3rd Grade - 5th Grade
Students will continue to explore a variety of media as they build their skills in various visual art disciplines as well as develop a deeper understanding of art history, contemporary art, production, criticism and aesthetics. Teachers discuss diverse artists, artwork, and provide technique demonstrations to develop an art appreciation, investigate art history and contemporary art, encourage art production, and participate in art criticism discussions; as well as problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Students use concepts from language arts and social-emotional learning to complete studio projects. The design elements of color, value, shape and form will be explored. Students will be given the opportunity to work on various two and three dimensional media techniques to express ideas. Cross-curricular work will be evidenced in science, language arts, and social studies.
Middle School
Students will expand their knowledge through a variety of media as they continue to build their art skills, vocabulary, creativity, and concepts of design. Theory is introduced to further expand upon ideas about color, narrative, and design. Teachers discuss diverse artists, artwork, and provide technique demonstrations to develop art appreciation, investigate art history and contemporary art, encourage art production, and participate in art criticism discussions; as well as problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Individual units of study complement concepts from science, math and social studies content areas.
High School
Students will develop skills and extend their knowledge in the principles and elements of art, craftsmanship, design and visual organization through the exploration of new skills, media, advanced compositional strategies, and expressive techniques such as drawing, painting, ceramics, sculpture, photography, glasswork, printmaking, fibers, graphic and digital design.
Students explore diverse historical and contemporary references from across the globe. Opportunities for individual development, portfolio preparation, related field trips, career awareness, and advanced presentation skills are included.
Annual art exhibitions opportunities include, but are not limited to, the Wharton Esherick Museum “Imprint” Exhibition, The PSEA Annual Touch the Future Student Exhibition, and The Tri-County High School Exhibition at Montgomery County Community College
Pre-College opportunities include classes at institutions such as Tyler School of Art, University of the Arts, Moore College of Art & Design and the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts.
Secondary Language Arts
Middle School
- Grade 6 Language Arts
- Grade 7 Language Arts
- Grade 8 Language Arts
High School
Core Courses
Elementary Performing Arts
Middle School Performing Arts
Enfield Science Curriculum
Erdenheim Science Curriculum
Middle School Science Curriculum
High School Science Curriculum
Social Studies Enfield
Social Studies Erdenheim
Social Studies Middle School
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
Social Studies High School
Required Courses
- Grade 9: Civics
- Grade 10: US History 1
- Grade 11: US History 2
- Grade 12: Global Studies
VHS Learning (Virtual High School) provides students with rigorous online courses in many subjects. Participation in VHS enables STHS students the opportunity to take courses not normally available in the high school program of studies. VHS courses are online but are taught by real teachers from all over the US. Students have the unique opportunity to interact with students from around the world in an online classroom setting.
VHS Learning is a nonprofit that provides world-class online programs to students and schools everywhere.
How does it work?
Each class is led by a teacher and averages 21 students per teacher.
Paced classes have weekly due dates for assignments, group work and discussion posts and self-paced classes are also available for students needing more flexibility.
Students can access classes anywhere they have internet access and log in at any time.
STHS will grant credit to students who successfully complete VHS Learning classes.
If you would like to register for a VHS Learning class, please contact your child's school counselor for additional information/updates.