Six Goals of Educational Equity
As data is disaggregated and analyzed, patterns indicate high comparable performance for all identifiable groups of learners with virtually no performance gaps
Funding, staffing, and other resources are manifested in the existence of equitably assigned qualified staff, appropriate facilities, other environmental learning spaces, instructional hardware and software, and instructional materials and equipment, and all instructional supports are distributed in an equitable and fair manner such that the notion that all diverse learners must achieve high academic standards and other school outcomes
Patterns of interaction between individuals and within our school communities are characterized by acceptance, value, respect, support, safety and security, such that all students feel challenged to become invested in pursuing learning and excellence without fear of threat, humiliation, danger or disregard
The creation of learning opportunities so that every child, regardless of background, characteristics, or identified needs, is presented with the challenge to reach high standards and is given the requisite pedagogical, social, emotional and psychological supports to achieve the high standards of excellence that are established
Unobstructed entrance into, involvement of and full participation of all learners in all programs and activities within our schools
The assurance that all education stakeholders accept responsibility and hold themselves and each other responsible for every learner having full access to quality education, qualified teachers, challenging curriculum, full opportunity to learn, and appropriate sufficient support for learning so that they can achieve at excellent levels in academic and other student outcomes.