School Hours & Schedules

Regular school day hours are from 8:55am to 3:20pm

Doors Open 8:40 am
Carline Dismissed 3:20 pm
Walkers Dismissed 3:21 pm
Bus riders Dismissed 3:22 pm - 3:40 pm

Early dismissal hours are from 8:55am to 12:00pm

Doors Open 8:40 am
Carline Dismissed 12:00 pm
Walkers Dismissed 12:01 pm
Bus riders Dismissed 12:02 pm - 12:30pm

2- Hour delay hours are from 10:55 am to 3:20 pm

Dismissal hours are the same as a normal school day


Day Care is available through Kid View, Inc. Kid View maintains space at both Enfield and Erdenheim Elementary Schools.

Kid View can be reached at: 215-870-3788 for more information. 


Children who attend school regularly make consistent academic gains.  In order to benefit from the full academic program, it is of the utmost importance that children attend school regularly.  It is also very important that students are on time for school.  School begins promptly at 8:55 a.m. Arriving on time allows students time to get ready to begin their school day, as well as the school day of their classmates. Students who are prepared to start on time will be better able to do their best each and every school day.

If a student arrives late, parents are to accompany their child to the office with a late note explaining the reason for the lateness; however, parents may not accompany late students to their classroom. A signed note is required each time your child is late or absent.  Any absence or late arrival is considered unexcused without a note.  An accumulation of unexcused absences without appropriate documentation may result in the need for the development of a Truancy Elimination Plan.  These guidelines are part of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania law and school policy regarding daily attendance. Parents, please schedule doctor, dentist and other appointments after school, if at all possible.  If a student must leave early, please try your best to pick them up before 3pm to avoid bus dismissal traffic and send a note to the teacher in advance. We will call for the student when you arrive. Our goal is to eliminate interruptions of a child’s school day.