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Mr. Curtis Fleming

Assistant Principal

  • 215-233-6080 x4001

I would like to extend a warm welcome to our new and returning families in our community!  Working in partnership with Dr. Markle, we strive to provide our students with engaging learning experiences while developing social-emotional skills that will foster resilience, empathy, and the ability to collaborate and communicate in our diverse communities.

I am dedicated to maintaining an environment that allows every student to feel safe and welcome at our school.  The Enfield staff and I are committed to building strong relationships that foster continuous growth and achievement both academically and socio-emotionally.

I strive to provide the kind of leadership that honors Springfield’s history and support the continued efforts of the staff, volunteers and our parents to provide outstanding educational opportunities for your children.

Your Partner in Education,

Mr. Curtis Fleming
215.233.6080 x 4001

Mail Location

Enfield Elementary